In the 1980s, a new model of growth affecting the environmental, economic and socio-cultural spheres, a global Sustainable Development Pact, was universally adopted. Today that model finds implementation in Agenda 2030, and also outlines the new criteria for financial taxonomy. The pact envisions “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Circular s.r.l. is an expression of the vision, of the three founding partners, of that covenant.
We contribute to the growth of the socio-economic system through the implementation of the sustainability requirements of PP.AA., Enterprises and Networks. At Circular we believe that every element of the socio-economic-financial system, supported correctly in the local and global spheres, can contribute to sustainable development of its own and collective well-being.
Circular is the natural evolution of a team experience, already established in the field of dissemination and awareness on Sustainable Development issues, and realized through “iSuD“, a non-profit reality established Circular in 2017 and still operating. Its founding partners, Prof. Marzia Traverso and Eng. Antonio Covais, created a company dedicated exclusively to highly specialized consulting.
(Founding member)
Full professor and director of the Institute of Sustainability in Civil Engineering (INaB), at RWTH Aachen University – Aachen, Germany. Environmental and Land Use Engineer and PhD in Technical Environmental Physics – University of Palermo, she is now an expert in product sustainability analysis. She participated in the drafting of the guidelines of sustainability analysis and those for the analysis of the social impacts of a product´s life cycle, both results of research groups of the United Nations Environment (UN Environment). Currently Reporteur of the Technical Working Group in the Platform for Sustainable Finance of the European Commission. Member of the Italian LCA Network and head of the Working Group on Social LCA.
Former researcher for the Department of Sustainable Engineering at Technische Universität Berlin (Technical University of Berlin), where she was also responsible for two courses on Applied Product Sustainability Assessment, still guest-lecturer for some lecture modules. Former Project Manager at the Department for Product Sustainability at the BMW Group research center. Sole representative of BMW Group in the Roundtable for Product Social Metrics. First initiative involving companies in the development of a manual for the qualitative and quantitative application of a product’s Social Life Cycle Assessment.
Former Scientific Officer at JRC Seville, European Commission, in the Sustainable Production and Consumption Unit and project manager of the Green Public Procurement for Transport and Green Public Procurement for Street Lighting and Traffic Signs. Today director of the Institute of Sustainability in Civil Engineering, at RWTH Aachen University. Author, reviewer of numerous articles in international trade journals such as International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, and Industrial Ecology Journal. Subject Editor on the Social Life Cycle Assessment for the Int. Journal of Life Cycle Assessment.
Areas of expertise: dissemination, methods of assessing the sustainability performance of products, projects and enterprises
“Sustainability with its principles is the key to the well-being of the planet and human beings. If we are inspired daily by its principles for the preservation of the environment, the sense of equality and the protection of human rights, we too will contribute to sustainable development: let us be protagonists in it!”
(Founding partner and sole director of the company)
Mechanical Engineer specializing in Energy and PhD in Industrial Technical Physics “ENERGETICS” (01.2004-03.2007) from the University of Palermo, Freelancer since 2002 with experience gained in the field of technological installations and expert in the field of physical agents air and noise pollutants. Competent technician in acoustics since March 2005 – “Competent technician” in acoustics pursuant to Art. 2 of Law No. 447 of October 26, 1995. Since 2002 he has carried out freelance activities in the field of energy and acoustics. From 2004 to 2015 he carried out Research in the field of thermo fluid dynamics and in passive solar systems. From 2010 to 2012 he was an Adjunct Lecturer of the Subject “Thermofluid Dynamics Measurements and Regulation” university scientific address ING. IND 10 Industrial Technical Physics. Academic year 2010/2011.Faculty of Engineering, Palermo, Italy.
Areas of expertise: energy, sustainable construction
(Circular’s shareholder)
Since November 2017 Rose Mankaa works as a research assistant at the Institute of Sustainability in Civil Engineering. She graduated as a chemical engineer (Ing.) from the University of Trieste, Italy, specialized in shaping and implementing business models, addressing climate change mitigation & resilience, environmental compliance, circular economy and green public & private procurement schemes. She has had the opportunity to work in both industry and research. In her previous experience in industry she was involved in coordinating sustainability related activities. This also included liaising with Research & Development in the design and assessment of new products through the lifecycle analysis methodology and the development of product sustainability rating schemes. She put in place the first system for Environmental Product Declaration of the former Italcementi Group leading to the publication of EPDs for specialty products.
She also provided technical industry support in the development of the CSI EPD Tool for Cement and Concrete now in use by cement and concrete companies worldwide. She was part of the development process of the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard and Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard under the WRI and WBCSD, and further participated in the CSI working group to adapt the Scope 3 standard to the cement sector.