Circular S.r.l assesses the competencies and skills of its personnel while trying to avoid prejudices and stereotypes, encouraging an inclusive culture free of even unconscious bias that values all people in the company equally.
Circular S.r.l promotes non-discrimination and equal opportunities̀ in professional development and promotions, basing them solely on skills and professional levels.
For workforce planning in line with the principles of inclusiveness, the knowledge, skills and abilities required for each present and future role are made explicit, where any gaps are addressed and filled through training. Through effective human resources management, people involved in all phases of planning, development and service delivery enjoy decent work, safe and secure working conditions, and fair and respectful treatment.
The policy for gender equality starts with the gradual but rigorous reduction of pay differences and of career advancement that may have occurred in the history of the company. Policies and recruitment plans are also put in place to favour and value diversity in the sense of side that bring value and new impetus to all areas and sectors of the company. It has been proven that the presence of people of different genders and, in a broader sense, of different cultures opens new ideas to innovative solutions and positive competition between staff and teams.
Circular S.r.l.’s approach to human resources management is rooted in the sensitivity and culture founded on cultural interchange between individuals, an approach that rests on the development and promotion of an accessible and respectful workplace that fosters inclusion and a sense of belonging, and, again with a view to promoting intercultural exchange, the company makes a firm commitment to development of communication channels that foster inclusion, so as to respond to anyone who accesses such channels and can appreciate the content disseminated by the company.
Circular S.r.l’s commitment gender equality issues focuses on identifying, preventing and combating the forms of exclusion that may occur. Updating the policy and programmes on the subject will therefore be a concrete indicator of the company’s focus on diversity and inclusion, issues on which the commitment must be continuously renewed.
Circular S.r.l committed to maintaining balance through:
- Specific interventions on selection policies;
- Training and information paths oriented to provide development opportunities in every professional field, also through the testimony of role models and the dissemination of company and/or non-company cases;
- The implementation of non-company projects aimed at guiding girls to follow their aspirations, with a focus on raising awareness in technical-scientific disciplines, and in general in areas where women are underrepresented or absent;
- In order to ensure gender equality, Circular S.r.l has launched specific projects through talent development and enhancement programmes and growth remuneration policies based on equity and performance. In particular, in order to develop female managerial skills and leadership, Circular S.r.l promotes specific training and coaching courses focused on strengthening skills required and aimed at increasingly ensuring gender balance with respect to the filling positions of responsibility.
Lastly, Circular S.r.l. is committed to combating gender-based violence in all its forms through awarenessraising actions, and for this reason it has also endowed itself with a specific section of this Policy on harassment and violence in the workplace, with specific channels through which reports of misconduct can be addressed.
This not only enhances each and every one of us but also promotes business growth and prosperity in an increasingly competitive world.
Circular S.r.l has always been attentive to the evolution of the market and the needs of companies and implements a policy aimed at fostering gender equality not only internally, but also by favouring relations and business relationships with companies and entrepreneurs equally committed to issues of inclusion and gender equality.
Circular S.r.l in promoting and maintaining relations with external stakeholders communicates principles and objectives of gender equality and D&I in general, also promoting an activity to raise awareness of the same stakeholders on the aforementioned issues and, at the same time, aims to identify opportunities̀ to support their initiatives.
In Circular S.r.l’s relations with stakeholders, priority is given to communicating gender equality principles and objectives when establishing, supporting, promoting and maintaining relations with them.
Circular S.r.l collects data on stakeholders through the use of social media, order to assess the composition of the stakeholders themselves, and also aims to foster the exchange of experiences between the company itself and external stakeholders.
All data collected on interrelationships with stakeholders are monitored in order to understand how interactions with external stakeholders influence gender equality objectives and results within the company.
In addition to this, Circular S.r.l:
- is concretely committed to family welfare, to concrete help for the families of its employees both in economic terms and in terms of flexible working hours and agile working;
- supports events aimed at promoting gender equality and inclusion;
- active gender equality and inclusion policies through social posts and publications media.
Palermo, 18/12/2024
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for anonymous reporting send envelope to: Circular S.r.l Via Libertà, 34 90141 Palermo